Find Best-Fit Colleges

Dream Catchers Education invited  experts to lecture  standardize test prep  with in depth information for free. We also collaborate with experienced College counselors and  former admission officers to share their  professional expertise with our students.  We are devoted  to  breaking the glass ceiling for all  students and to  extend  better education opportunities.

Evaluating your prospective majors through your campus preferences, test scores, grades, and career ambitions in order to find your perfect school. Get personalized admissions insights and data you won’t find anywhere else with free support.

College Counseling 

Package service :  

• Personal Inventory of interests, goals, aptitudes 

• Strategic Timeline Calendar 

• High School Course Recommendations 

• Exploring College Majors and Career Options 

• Brainstorming and Crafting Application Essays 

• Building a College List 

• Extracurricular Planning 

• Summer/Volunteer/Internship Planning 

• Standardized/AP Test Planning 

• Planning for Application Deadlines 

• Resumés and Cover Letters 

• Merit Scholarship Strategies 

• Navigating Common Application 

• Finalizing College List

• Regular vs. Early Admissions 

• Completing Applications 

• Understanding Costs and Financial Aid Applications 

• Interview Coaching 

• Evaluating Acceptance Offers 

• Post Acceptance Tasks 

Contact us :


Tel: 7866085340